Adolfo Perez Esquivel, Argentina

A letter to the President of the United States of America
George W. Bush, sent on September 11, 2001:
Allow me to send my condolence in facing the barbaric terrorist attempt committed the 11th day of September against the North American nation. We strongly condemn this act, and denounce it as one that harms all of mankind.
On my behalf, and that of the Foundation Peace and Justice, we want to express our solidarity and support for the US nation, both to you, and to the families of the victims of this irrationality and barbarity. It has saddened us all.
Mr. President, we know the deep moments of pain and anguish you are enduring. And we see the necessity of remaining calm in the face of these events, of preventing the multiplication and escalation of this violence, which would carry with it situations unpredictable to all humanity. You have the responsibility to find the balance and the prudence to face this most serious moment for the United States.
There are numerous regions of the world that have been subjected for many decades to situations of armed conflict. Some are provoked from within, as in the terrorism of the State. Some are from groups that assume distinct ideologies and fundamentals, who resort to terrorism and bring about situations like the one you face today, generating increasing violence to reach their ends. In Argentina we have lived similar situations, including the attempts against the Embassy of Israel and the AMIA, which we continue to feel the pain of today.
We accompany you with our prayers and solidarity, and ask that God illuminate and guide you in the overcoming this grave moment, and in building the roads to peace.
We send a warmhearted greeting of peace and good, for you, and for each of the citizens of the United States.
Adolfo Pérez Esquivel
Buenos Aires, Argentina
September 11, 2001